
About Chris Caughey

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So far Chris Caughey has created 185 blog entries.

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 066 – Kingdom Prologue – Ch 4 – Law & Gospel, Works & Grace

          Current subscribers: Subscribe in a reader If you appreciate Meredith Kline’s theology, this is a must-listen episode.  He always talked about law and gospel, works and grace.  Because this is so closely tied to justification, he would look for opportunities to work these things into lectures and conversations.  So take

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 060- Kingdom Prologue P1 Ch 3 Cultural Mandate

            This week we talk about chapter 3 and the theocratic kingdom commission.  Mostly this is about the cultural commission.  First, we talk about created authority structures in the family and in marriage.  Next, we even get into a discussion of infant baptism.  There’s a little something for everyone! Show

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 058 – Kingdom Prologue P1 Ch. 2 Consecration & Death

            We probably should have named this episode: Bacon!  Or, peanut butter and chocolate.  But, in this episode, we talk about consecration.  Furthermore, we talk about animal death before the fall.  Most noteworthy, we answer arguments against the idea of animal death before the fall.  We forgot to mention Lee’s

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 057 – Kingdom Prologue P1 Ch. 2 Kingdom & Theocracy

            We continue through Kingdom Prologue.  First, we talk about the Kingdom of God.  Furthermore, we talk about theocracy. Most noteworthy, we talk about how unique theocracy is.   Show Notes:   Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes!  (Click “View in iTunes” and “Ratings and Reviews”) Kingdom Prologue by