
About Chris Caughey

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So far Chris Caughey has created 185 blog entries.

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 029 – Kline & the Efficacy of Baptism

So we covered Kline’s case for baptism in his book By Oath Consigned.  But what does baptism actually do?  And what did Kline believe about that?  That’s what’s on tap this week.  Tune in and find out!   Show Notes:   Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes! (Click “View in iTunes” and “Ratings and

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 028 – Theocracy and… Immigration?

This is a bit of a lesson in hermeneutics (or, how to read the Bible).  We wanted to make it practical, so we chose a topic (immigration) that is filling the headlines and provoking comment from Christians and church bodies across the theological spectrum.  However, almost no one who is chiming in is considering carefully

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 027 – Q&A with Voicemail

We finally used two of our voicemail questions!  This adds a lot to the listening experience, and it is a great way for Lee and Chris to interact with the listening audience.  You’ll enjoy this one!  Send us your own voicemail!   Show Notes:   Give us a 5-start rating on iTunes! (Click “View in