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This week we talk about Genesis 3:8 and covenant theology. First, we discuss God’s appearance after Adam and Eve were covenant breakers. Next, we discuss the differences between the eternal Covenant of Redemption and the historical Covenant of Grace. Finally we talk about the Antichrist and preaching redemptive-historically.
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by Meredith G. KlineGod, Heaven & Har Magedon pp. 70 – 77
Genesis 3:8
Genesis 3:14-15
John 6:38
Psalm 2
Luke 22:29
Acts 20:28
John 17:4-5
2 Samuel 7
Genesis 2:17
Revelation 13
1 John 1-2
Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos Preaching Christ in all of Scripture by Ed Clowney Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture by Graeme Goldsworthy According to Plan by Graeme Goldsworthy Christ-Centered Biblical Theology by Graeme Goldsworthy