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When Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land, they went through another baptismal ordeal in the Jordan River. The war that ensued was not a just war as measured by the principle of common grace – it was holy war. Then Israel’s kings were mostly pictures of what Jesus would not be like. Finally, the mountain-site of the temple was a picture of heaven itself. Download, subscribe, and tell your friends!
Show Notes:
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by Meredith G. KlineGod, Heaven & Har Magedon pp. 134 – 144
Joshua 5:1-10
Joshua 23:1
Hebrews 4:8-9
Joshua 23 – 24
Deuteronomy 17
2 Samuel 7
2 Samuel 5 – 6
Philippians 2
Hebrews 9
Genesis 3
1 Corinthians 15
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