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This is the first week where we begin to venture outside of the material the Kline covered in Kingdom Prologue. Genesis is rich with the gospel. But that shouldn’t be surprising. We cover the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Please listen, subscribe, and tell others who need to hear this!
Show Notes:
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by Geerhardus Vos by Edmund ClowneyThe Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons
by Tremper Longman and Raymond DillardGalatians 4
The Betrothal Scene – a sermon by Matthew Cotta
Genesis 25
Genesis 26:12-32
Romans 9
Genesis 27
Genesis 28 – 33
Isaiah 53
Genesis 35 and 49
John 1:51
by Meredith G. KlineJoseph as a Type of Christ |
Antitype – Jesus | Type – Joseph |
Beloved son of his father – Mark 1:11 | Genesis 37:3 |
Hated without a cause – John 15:25 | Genesis 37:4 |
Though lowly, promised to reign over his brothers – Luke 1:29-33 | Genesis 37:5-7 |
Sent by his father, but rejected by his brothers – John 1:11 | Genesis 37:14-24 |
Suffered punishment for sin he didn’t commit – 1 Peter 2:21-24 | Genesis 39 |
Raised out of prison by a miracle of God – Matthew 28:1-6 | Genesis 40 |
Exalted to the right hand of the king, given authority – Matthew 28:19-20 | Genesis 41 |
Given authority over the kingdom – Philippians 2:9-11 | Genesis 41 |
Offered forgiveness to those who sought his life – Acts 2:37-41 | Genesis 45:1-15 |
Became the provider of bread for his people – John 6:27-35 | Genesis 47:11 |
Man’s evil used to accomplish salvation – Acts 2:22-24 | Genesis 50:20 |
Heavenly | Earthly |
Universal | Local |
Eternal | Temporary |
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