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This week we look for Christ in the books of Joshua and Judges. First, we consider major themes in each book. Second, we consider how the New Testament interprets these book. Finally, we consider some important implications of the text. Please listen, subscribe, and tell others who need to hear this!
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The Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons
by Geerhardus Vos by Edmund Clowney by Tremper Longman and Raymond Dillard by Meredith G. KlineOutline of Joshua
- Joshua as successor to Moses
- Joshua stood in heavenly council like Moses Ex. 24:13
- Commissioned by the Lord Deut. 31: 14-15
- Brought Word to people Joshua 3:9ff.
- Interceded for the people Joshua 7:7-9
- Leads them across divided sea Joshua Ch. 3
- Israel in Canaan
- Holy War against Canaanites Deut. 20:18-20 – intrusion
- The Land becomes holy ground Joshua 5:13-15
- Israel becomes unified Joshua 3:17; Ch. 22
- A nation under God’s law Joshua 23:1-8
- From the outside the conquest is successful, but…
- The inadequacies of the conquest
- The people let some Canaanites remain Joshua 9:1-15; 16:10; 17:12-13
- Retaining the land was conditional Joshua 24:19-28
- Unity fragile at best Joshua 22:10-12
- Death – never enjoying the inheritance Joshua 24:29-33
- Rahab more faith than Israel
- Looking to a better covenant
- “Joshua” Hebrew for Jesus (Savior) – Jesus a New Joshua!
- A new inheritance that cannot be taken away 1 Pet. 1:3-5; Rev. 21:1-2
- A better warrior that will eradicate God’s enemies Rev. 19:11-16
- A better unity that lasts John 17:22
- A real obedience to God’s law from the heart Heb. 8:10
- Joshua typifies post-Pentecost ministry of Christ – leading the Church to the Promised Land.
- Acts – the beginning of the New Covenant – through the gospel
- The fulfillment of Holy War is Second Coming Rev. 19
Episode 26 – Apologetics and the Canaanite Conquest
Episode 28 – Theocracy and… Immigration?
Outline of Judges
- Background
- In the Promised Land, enemies still left
- No new Joshua – what will people do without a leader?
- The downward spiral
- Cycle 2:10-19 – Apostasy, discipline, repentance, judge, deliverance, apostasy…
- Downward spiral of the judges – Othniel to Sampson
- Othniel the best – marries covenant child Judg. 1:13
- Samspon the worst – marries pagan woman, lusts after prostitutes
- Othniel – People cried out to God Judg. 3:9; God give rest Judg. 3:11 – Sampson: no cry, no rest
- Unity to disunity
- Beginning – war against Canaanites Judg. 1:1-26
- End – civil war Judg. 8:1; 9:1-57; 19:1-21:5
- C.The theme – no righteous king = apostasy
- “There was no king” Judg. 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25
- “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes,” Judg. 17:6; 21:25
- D.The temporary solution – 1 Samuel – King David
- The eternal solution
- A new king who can make his people truly righteous – not David.
- A king who can atone for apostasy.
- A king that can truly unify the people.
- A king who lives forever.
- A king who can rid the land of the Canaanites – kingdom
- In Judges, our own hearts are revealed apart from a King who can make us righteous. In a sense, Judges exegetes Genesis 3 and the need for Christ the king.
- Truths for today
- Total depravity only takes time and circumstance to show itself.
- The Law of God cannot produce good works!
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