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This week is related to the theme of suffering in the book of Job from last week. Ecclesiastes is wisdom for living in a fallen world. The fallenness of the world means that death makes everything seem vain and futile. Listen in as we discuss this wonderful book!
Show Notes:
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The Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons
by Geerhardus Vos by Edmund Clowney by Tremper Longman and Raymond Dillard by Meredith G. Kline by Choon-Leong SeowBill Baldwin’s Ecclesiastes Sermons
M.M. Kline’s review of Tremper Longman’s commentary
M.M. Kline’s review of Peter Enns’ commentary
Ecclesiastes 4:1
“Under the sun”
“Vanity of vanities”
Romans 8:20
Genesis 3
1 Corinthians 15:58
Revelation 22:20
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Can’t wait for M.M.’s book on Qoheleth!
Here are his reviews of Greidanus: https://opc.org/os.html?article_id=250 and of Belcher: https://opc.org/os.html?article_id=767