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Todd and I are back this week. We are picking up our walk through the Old Testament with the book of Psalms. Of course, the main thing we can learn from Meredith Kline about Psalms is that they proclaim Christ. Listen in as we discuss this important book of the Bible.
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The Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons
by Geerhardus Vos by Edmund Clowney by Tremper Longman and Raymond Dillard by Meredith G. KlinePsalm 6
Psalm 24
Psalm 2
Psalm 78
Psalm 137
Psalm 139:19-22
Matthew 5:43-44
1 Corinthians
Psalm 1 and 2
Deuteronomy 17
Psalm 97
Psalm 116
Psalm 51
Psalm 69
Ezra 3:11
Mark 15:34
Acts 2:30
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