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This week Todd and Chris turn to the book of Esther. Todd really has some great insight into the book since he grew up Jewish. How do we understand this book that never mentions God? Is God still there? What about his promises? What does God’s apparent absence mean for the promised Messiah? Whose word is irrevocable: the decree of the Medes and the Persians, or God’s word? Listen in as we talk about finding Christ in this unique book of the Bible.
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The Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons
by Geerhardus Vos by Edmund Clowney by Tremper Longman and Raymond Dillard by Meredith G. KlineEsther 1:1-8
Esther 1:9-12
Esther 2:18 – 3:15
Exodus 17
Esther 4:15-16
Esther 6:13
Esther 7 – 10
Reversal and eschatology
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