
About Chris Caughey

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So far Chris Caughey has created 185 blog entries.

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 015 – By Oath Consigned: Circumcision

            In episode 15, Lee and Chris discuss chapter 3 of By Oath Consigned in which Meredith Kline looks at the biblical theological significance of circumcision.  He argues that it is a sign of judgment – but that can be either redemptive judgment or penal judgment.  Listen to find out

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 014 – By Oath Consigned Part 2: Law Covenant

            In episode 14, Lee and Chris discuss chapter 2 of Meredith Kline’s book, By Oath Consigned.  In Chapter 2, Kline is still laying the theological foundation for his analysis of the sacraments of circumcision and baptism.  This chapter is called “Law Covenant,” and it gives the reader some significant

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 012 – By Oath Consigned Part I

            In episode 12, Lee and Chris begin a series of episodes that will explore Meredith Kline’s second book By Oath Consigned: A Reinterpretation of the Covenant Signs of Circumcision and Baptism.  In this first episode in the series, they cover Chapter 1: Oath and Covenant.  Let us know what

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 011 – The Covenant of Common Grace

In this episode, Chris and Lee trace the revelation of the covenant of common grace from Genesis to the New Testament.  Family, state and culture are covered as institutions belonging to this period of the delay of final judgment.  Listen to find out why this particular covenant is so important to you, how you understand

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 010 – Treaty of the Great King

In this episode, Lee and Chris discuss Meredith Kline’s first book, Treaty of the Great King (1963).  Here, Kline deals with the ways in which the covenants which God made with Israel were like other ancient near eastern treaties.  Not only is the subject matter important and interesting in its own right, but it is

Glory-Cloud Podcast: 007 – Q&A Part 2

In this episode, Lee and Chris pick up where they left off in episode 6, by answering three more listener questions.  The theme continues to be covenant theology in general and the Mosaic covenant in particular.   Show Notes: Response to Merit and Moses: A Critique of the Klinean Doctrine of Republication Response to Merit